Before We Pour, We Start with Engineering
Find the Goal.
The Duffey Team was on site building a satellite antenna test site for a high-level Telecom Client. The main infrastructure for this site encompassed two satellite foundations comprised of heavy steel and concrete infrastructure. The other main component of the functionality of this site was the medium voltage electrical package delivered to the new test pads. This infrastructure supported the proprietary satellite antenna systems that supported our client’s network of satellite communications.
The reflector that mounted atop of these assemblies measured 75 ft in diameter. This reflector mounted to the antenna teepee that was a moveable antenna support system that would connect and transmit with a satellite in orbit. The rate of speed at which these systems move is what lead to the design for the high strength structural antenna foundations.

Why a Hexagon?
The design for the antenna foundations identified as 48.5’ W x 42’ L x 10 ft deep foundation as appropriate to maintain the foundation’s structural integrity. To achieve the design intent a hexagon shaped footing formed through a stayform system was used to provide additional strength under compression as the concrete was placed and cures along with creating the shape per the design. Due to the large amount of concrete placed within the foundation the structural design entailed #10 rebar at 4” on center top and bottom mats. The space between the top mat and the bottom mat was 10’ in elevation difference. The design entailed galvanized steel embeds that would later be used to support the antenna teepee and other antenna assemblies along with creating a corrosion resistant property for future use of the antenna pad.

1/4’’ Tolerance
The tolerances allowed on the placement of the embeds allowed +- ¼” due to the floor flatness these antenna assembly pads had to achieve. The center embed of the foundation was 11,000 lbs and supporting this plate was accomplished through a structural design composed of structural steel columns, and support posts to hold the weight of the embed plate. The other associated embeds were in place for the antenna teepee housing to be mounted to allowing the antenna to form a housing for internal components and program functions.
We were very fortunate to have efficient and successful trade partners throughout the construction of this project. Exemplary showings of staffing and trade skills to install and deliver on time.