Precision And Exceeding Expectations Is Our Goal
Duffey Southeast was recently selected by a Fortune 100 company to complete a new modular datacenter project at an existing telecommunications site in central Florida. Comprised of sections, or “pods”, the modular datacenter approach is advantageous to some owners who want to lessen the duration of onsite construction activities, reduce the cost of conventional building construction, and receive a product that could potentially be relocated to an alternate location in the future. The data center was manufactured in three sections furnished with IT, mechanical, and electrical equipment specific to the owner’s needs.
For this project, the Duffey Southeast team completed extensive sitework prior to delivery of the modular package. Below grade electrical conduits for fiber communication, fire protection, security and building automation were installed to connect the new systems to the existing building infrastructure. The utility sources were also installed below grade to the existing transformers as well as conduit for the N+1 generators and portable generator connection switchgear. Reinforced concrete foundations and slabs were constructed to receive the new data center and supporting HVAC and power equipment. A temporary site entrance drive was constructed to ensure the ~40-ton modular data center sections could be rigged and lifted into place by crane as well as offer the appropriate accessibility and storage for multiple tractor trailer loads of equipment.
On the morning of the delivery and scheduled lift of the pods, the Duffey Southeast team was informed the trailers bringing the equipment were 50+ feet longer than originally planned. The team immediately had to pivot and revise the staging and lift plan to guarantee a safe, successful delivery. With a priority of personnel safety during the lift, the team conducted multiple safety meetings over the course of the day to focus on consistent jobsite safety and responsibility. Our strong team of trade partners allowed us to keep all personnel and the existing building network safe for a successful lift.

After the pods were set on the concrete pads, they were mechanically connected and weatherproofed. Power, building automation, security, and fiber transport raceways were completed to bring the new datacenter online for testing and commissioning activities. Material constraints compressed the project schedule to necessitate around the clock shifts to complete terminations, start-up and commissioning to meet client move-in deadlines. Despite the challenges encountered, the Duffey Southeast team and its trade partners were excited to turn this project over to a very satisfied client!